
Get The Most From Your Blog Posts

 When it comes to starting a blog it can sometimes be a lonely experience... You are dedicated to writing great content full of helpful information that you know your target audience will love. But how do you get the best from every one of your blog posts? More importantly how do you reach the people who really want to read what you have to say in your blog? Well that's what I'm here to help you with. I have put together a few guidelines that if followed should significantly increase your blog posts reach. Blog Post Checklist 1. Blog Title When writing a title for your blog post you need to give it some serious thought. The title is your headline, it is the thing that will make people decide if they want to read further or just pass on by. Try and keep your title short and to the point. Always include your main keyword within your title in order to improve your posts SEO. If you are struggling to come up with a title you like try 'Portents content idea generator' for so...

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